The Triangle Clean Cities Coalition has been a program at TJCOG since 1999, and has been formally designated as an official DOE Clean Cities Coalition since 2001. Triangle Clean Cities leverages Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office partnerships, resources, tools, and data to work with networks of local stakeholders to advance affordable domestically-produced alternative fuels, energy efficient mobility systems, and fuel-saving technologies and practices that can both provide cost savings and reduce emissions. Since 2009, Triangle Clean Cities has assisted stakeholders in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by over 500,000 tons and displacing nearly 70,000,000 gallons of gasoline equivalent (GGE) through the use of alternative fuels and related technologies.
Coalition staff provide technical assistance to local government members related to grant writing, alternative fuel vehicle acquisition, infrastructure installation, and Department of Energy tools and resources to aid in decision making and education. Additionally, Triangle Clean Cities has hosted numerous education and outreach events that have facilitated increased interest in alternative fuel and electric vehicles and advanced transportation technologies. Staff have strong partnerships with state agencies (DEQ, DOT), electric utilities, alternative fuel providers, and other groups, and collaborate with partners frequently regarding funding opportunities, infrastructure deployment, and outreach.
Recent Coalition goals include increasing deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure in the region (including EV charging), providing increased technical assistance to municipalities with climate goals or interest in sustainable transportation solutions, working with renewable fuel providers to provide low cost renewable fuels to the region, and conducting strategic planning to ensure a solid future direction. Currently, Coalition staff is working to bring together a cohort of municipal fleet/public works and sustainability staff to discuss the role of transportation in climate action and barriers to fleet electrification at the municipal level. Staff is also working to help local government members to better address equity concerns related to transportation access.
For information about current Clean Cities initiatives, events, and funding opportunities, visit the Triangle Clean Cities website and sign up for the monthly newsletter.