Mobility and transportation planning naturally affect multiple communities. Coordination and comprehensive approaches to this work ensure seamless communities for residents.
CPRC provides technical support and guidance to transit partners and state and local agencies on long-term, large-scale planning and offers individual assistance for local plans, while stressing an approach that considers investment impacts in the broader community context of growth, economic development, sustainability, and housing availability.
The Central Pines region contains several Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), which are responsible for decision making about long-range transportation planning and transportation project funding within their respective areas. The Capital Area MPO (NC CAMPO) covers all of Wake County and portions of Chatham, Granville, Franklin, Johnston, and Harnett counties, and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC MPO) covers all of Durham County and portions of Orange and Chatham counties and is housed at Central Pines Regional Council. In the southern part of the Central Pines region, the Sandhills MPO (SMPO) covers a portion of Moore County. Additionally, small portions of the Fayetteville Area MPO (FAMPO) and the Burlington-Graham MPO (BGMPO) cross into the Central Pines region in eastern Moore County and western Orange County respectively.
CPRC provides extensive technical support to CAMPO and DCHC MPO, most commonly when projects and challenges cross the boundary between them and require regional coordination. For more information, click the link below or contact Matt Day at
The rural portions of our region are represented by the Central Pines Rural Planning Organization (CPRPO, formerly TARPO), covering portions of Chatham, Lee, Moore, and Orange Counties, or the Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization (UCPRPO), covering portions of Johnston County in addition to Edgecombe, Nash, and Wilson Counties.
CPRC staff administer the Central Pines Rural Planning Organization on behalf of participating communities. For more information on CPRPO, visit the CPRPO website or contact Karyl Fuller at

Other Transportation & Mobility Projects
CPRC serves as a Regional Data Center through the North Carolina State Data Center program. We have access to a wide variety of data to help our programs and member governments make informed decisions. For more information, visit the datahub website (in development) or contact Karyl Fuller at
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a nationwide program that aims to encourage K-8 students to bike and walk to school with educational and fun campaigns, programs, and activities. CPRC's Safe Routes to School program partners with schools in out seven-county region, and is funded through the North Carolina Department of Transportation. For more information on CPRC's Safe Routes to School program, please contact Andrés Otero at
Central Pines was awarded a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant from the Federal Highway Administration to develop a traffic safety data dashboard for the region and work with two pilot communities in our region (Morrisville and Sanford/Lee County) to develop Safety Action Plans that could also serve as a template for other communities in the region who wish to develop plans. For more information, contact Julio Rosado at or Matt Day at
Central Pines Regional Council administers Triangle Transportation Choices, the region's Travel Demand Management (TDM) program. TDM is an umbrella term for activities that are aimed at reducing single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) travel within the region, such as the promotion of transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, walking, and telecommuting. CPRC's program has existed since 2008 and provides pass-through funding for a wide range of TDM activities provided by transit agencies, municipalities, universities, and organizations throughout the region.
For more information, visit the website or contact Shuchi Gupta at
Central Pines Regional Council is here to serve its local government members. If your community has specific questions or needs related to transportation and mobility, reach out to us! You can contact Matt Day, Transportation Director, at or (919) 558-9397.
Below are some examples of past projects we have worked on:
- Getting There: A Travel Market Analysis of the Triangle's Passenger Rail Corridor (2021)
- Close to Home: An Affordable Housing Analysis of the Triangle's Passenger Rail Corridor (2021)
- Connecting the Dots: Linking Transit Investments, Development Decisions & Affordable Housing along Wake County's Bus Investment Corridors (2019)
- Raising the Roof: Linking Housing Affordability & Transit Investments (2018)
- Town of Hillsborough Street Design Standards (2014)